Mons Claudianus in the Red Sea Mountains of Egypt. The Roman quarries were the source of the columns of the Pantheon in Rome. Nearby are the famous quarries of Mons Porphyrites, source of the purple Imperial porphyry.
A Victorian clay pipe found whilst mud-larking on the Thames foreshore by London Bridge. Misinterpreted by Magritte
A Skyscraper made from the detritus of Wall Street excess, champagne cork wire. Small figures can be seen still climbing for success. Background is from 1930's postcards.
Two critics discussing a homage to Michelangelo Pistoletto. The necessary mirror makes it difficult to photograph.
Cesar meets Warhol. Cesar Baldaccini of the Nice School squashed objects, in this case Andy Warhol's can of Campbell's soup.
"All Wrapped up Warmly" A Christo style packaging of our house in Little Chelsea.
Fungi from Wimbledon Common on birch bark.
Drift wood collage of a boat leaving a harbour past cliffs, on a moonlight night
A distopia from discarded objects, found whilst happily trudging along a beach
Its Raining Trophy Wives over Chelsea, with two spotless lawyers waiting on the pavement. Homage to Magritte and the song by the Weather Girls.
A Collectio of Buddhas in a vitrine, sourced from Laos and Cambodia, difficult to photograph with the mirror
Mixed Myths. Druantia, the White Goddess, disguised as a sapphic seductress, in her shrine -like sacred grove of golden boughed wand-tree protected by a bowtruckle. Sources; figure by Sean Jefferson, Painting of the Wood by Paul Nash, birch twigs by Wimbledon Common, Bowbuckle figure by JK Rowling's Fantastic Beasts
The evolution of Alexandra. With a homage to Peter Blakes famous Beatles album cover "Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band"
Shrine to Santa Lucia, the patron saint of Syracuse in Sicily, and celebrated on 13 December in Scandinavia. Note the painting by Caravagio.
Homage to Magritte, the pipe was found on the foreshore of the River Thames by London Bridge.
The original, it is not a pipe but a picture of a pipe